3 Is this Seasons Must Have 'New Black' Number
Forget london 2012, 3 is the number which answers all our problems.
Here are the results of our poll as promised: The conclusion is that the best number is 3. Possibly because it was easiest to get to in terms of the mouse and then there was that incident with the curtain pole which rendered 2 invisible.
1 and 5 would have singled people out as being extreme so people who chose 1 or 5 ar obviously into extreme sports like fortune telling. As for number 4, well, that hardly exists these days what with computers and everything.
Poppy was correct in her prediction that 3 would be the most popular number, while Biscuits failed miserably by predicting 2, despite scoring highly in previous psychic energy tests, I'll have you know.
Thanks you for voting if you did, even though you probably can't remember as it was so long ago. This was because it took a long time to collate the results. We used a centrifuge and everything.
Hehe. Extreme fortune telling.
I've finally set up the thing in Outlook Express that forwards comments, so everyone on this blog should get this message hopefully. Do tell me if you don't get it emailed. Although if you don't get it emailed you won't get the message so you won't know.
Ok, I've changed it now, hopefully this comment will go through...
ah no I didn't get either of those comments emailed to me, I don't know why argh.
I got them, woo!
ah I've got it now, I have to log on to Outlook to make it send argh!
sorry, testing here...
How come I have ten million billion emails notifying me of new comments on this blog!!??
Oh, ahem. That *might* be something to do with me. I can take you off the list if you like!
I don't know if it's working for everyone either, but I think I've managed to get rid of the duplicate emails.
I don't mind just one of each thing, that's ok.
Ah the reason why they all come at once is because annoyingly they don't get sent until I log onto Outlook Express. So nobody gets any messages until I log into my account. How annoying! And now I'm going to get sent this message, even though I wrote it, and I'll end up reading it anyway and then going 'oh I wrote that one, I dont need to read it *again*.'
Oh, it's you again, go away and make yourself a proper blog.
Ah yes, they do all say they're coming from me, but only because they're going to and from my email address, in the email it says who actually wrote the comment, which is confusing really.
Silly people, it was always going to be 3 cause 3 is the 'magic number'! :) Must go find the song now...
Hello afp, enthusiasm is good. Keep up the enthusiasm.
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